Thursday, May 16, 2024
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A new recession?

En este número

Daniel Lacalle PhD in Economics

In the past decade, the world has seen an unprecedented flow of capital into emerging market debt and infrastructure projects incentivised by the abnormal increase in money supply and low rates in the US.

Joaquin Solana Oliver Professor of Business Management at the Abat Oliba CEU University

The question posed in the title of this text, no doubt has an affirmative answer. Yes, we will have a new recession, but the problem is when we will start to feel it, when will our expectations change and when will we enter another phase of economic downturn, once again and apparently by surprise.

José Moisés Martín Carretero Member of Economists Facing Crisis

It is therefore necessary to recover coordinated stimuli to increase demand and revive the international economy.

Julio Rodríguez López Member of Economists Facing the Crisis

The most influential factors in the new situation are, among others, the forced landing of China's economy, the depletion of US growth, which grew only 0.2% in the last quarter of 2015.

In fact, it is instructive to remember that global recessions have usually begun suddenly and been a real surprise to most people.

Peru Erroteta Journalist

At what point in the cycle are we now? Don't know, no answer. The autistic system can only continue to slide down the slope, asking itself, for example, if the last crisis continues, or if we are entering a new one without leaving the previous one.

Pascal de Lima Economics in the Institute of Political Studies of Paris (PhD)

It lasted approximately from 2012 to 2015, when developed countries began to emerge from the recession, with difficulty, and there has not been a real improvement rather only a slight recovery, which may be heralding an even more serious future crisis.

Carlos Parodi Trece Professor at the Autonomous University of Mexico

The first decade of the 21st century saw an international financial crisis comparable only to that of the 1930s, known as the Great Depression.

Nick Giambruno Senior Editor of Casey Research's International Man

A crisis in Europe would send a lethal lightning bolt through the world’s currency and stock markets. Unparalleled economic turmoil—far worse than 2008—could follow.

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez Professor of Economics at the Autonomous University of Mexico

The year 2016 had hardly begun and the losses in different stock markets around the world care were already colossal: nearly 8 trillion US dollars during the first three weeks of January according to the calculations of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

María José Vicente ​Economists combating the crisis EFC

Despite Trump's constant criticism of the media, his triumph for many analysts was not surprising, adding that during the campaign, voters did not reveal their intentions to vote.

Daniel Gros Cinzia Alcidi and Matthias Busse

Are the APP and the extraordinarily low interest rate still appropriate, given the current average macro-economic environment in the euro area?

Alejandro Dabat Doctor of Economics at National Autonomous University of Mexico

The different issues considered in the present work lead to at least five major conclusions, which we will explain below. The first conclusion has to do with the historical nature of the crisis and its depth.

Ryan McMaken Economics Editor and Director of Communications at the Mises Institute

2016 was supposed to be the year that the Federal Reserve "normalized" its policies. As much as two years ago -after years of a near-zero target rate- the Fed was swearing that it would begin to raise rates back to "normal" levels and cut its balance sheet. That never happened.

Lukas Daalder Director of Investment of Robeco Investment Solutions

In recent years, central banks have managed to prevent markets from worrying about guessing the direction of their policies by giving them indications that have not been too dramatic or overly inaccurate.


The Abenomics policies have not given the expected results: the risk of deflation persists, the level of public debt is still very high.


Faced with the prospect of a possible imminent financial crisis, we wonder if the rich, this time, also have something to fear. Or do we live in a economy structured to protect their interests?


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