Sunday, May 19, 2024
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En este número

Miguel Ángel Juan Managing Partner of the S2group

The harmonization of legislation and the coordination of public investments would favour the growth of the sector, generating high-level jobs.

José María Molina Mateos Doctor of Law

Information processing consists of receiving it, processing it and acting in accordance with it. Currently, IT is involved in this function.

Olga Cavalli Director of the South School on Internet Governance (SSIG)

The Internet of Things is the interconnection of physical devices that use sensors, which allows these objects to connect and exchange data.

Nieva Machin Osés Professor at the Official Degree of Criminology at ESERPURJCE

The digital revolution has driven business revolution and business innovation, as well as economic and commercial growth in Europe.

France Diplomatie

Whether originating from state or non-state groups, cyberattacks take place at borders and at a distance, making it difficult to attribute them.


The European Cybersecurity Agency was born with the aim of maintaining security in networks and increasing the confidence of Europeans in digital technologies.

Juan Francisco Jiménez Jacinto Journalist and University professor

The ease with which personal data circulates through the network poses challenges that neither legislation nor the information society have been able to counteract.


One of the next steps of the Spanish Government after activating Article 155 may be to take control of the CTTI and the Cesicat. They are the digital brain of the UDI.

Óscar Noé Ávila Cybersecurity issues Consultant

Cybercriminals know that SMEs are easy prey because they do not have adequate security.

Carmen P. Flores Editor of TEJ. Journalist

Interview with Luís Jiménez. Deputy Director General of the Spanish National Cryptological Centre CCN.

Alberto Hernández Director general of the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE)

For the Cybersecurity Institute, it is important to find out what is happening, as well as analyze it and inform the general public and companies affected.

Pablo Rodríguez Canfranc Economist

May 12th, 2017 marks a milestone in the history of the Internet: the WannaCry cyberattack reaches more than 200,000 targets in more than 150 countries.

Peru Erroteta Journalist

After the American storm of digital attacks, little wonder that business related to cybersecurity have sprung up like mushrooms.

IT User

Experts believe that organisations should learn to live with acceptable levels of digital risk.

Staff High Tech Editores

Latin America is the fourth-largest mobile phone market, and half of its population use the Internet.

María Rodríguez Alnavio

Spain has great opportunities in Latin America in terms of cybersecurity and there are lines of business of Spanish companies already established.

Luis Corrons Director of Panda Security

Cyberattacks are the order of the day, each time attracting more headlines and generating a real impact on the economy and our lives.

Francisco Lázaro Anguís Director of the Mobility and Internet Centre of the ISMS Forum

Large companies have learned to co-exist with security warnings, attacks and demanding regulations.



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