Sunday, April 28, 2024
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Are robots a threat to workers?

In this issue

Carmen Ruiz Viñals Director of Business Studies at Abat Oliba University CEU

Artificial intelligence, robotics, telecommunications and other forms of high technology are rapidly replacing human labour in most manufacturing, distribution and logistics processes, even reaching the services sector.

Scott Ferguson Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida. PhD in Rhetoric and Film Studies at Berkeley

The result: employment is always and everywhere a political decision, not merely a function of private enterprise, boom and bust cycles, and automation.

James Livingston Professor of history at Rutgers University in New Jersey

There’s not enough work to go around, and what there is of it won’t pay the bills - unless of course you’ve landed a job as a drug dealer or a Wall Street banker. 

George Zarkadakis PhD in Philosophy

So is this the beginning of the end for human workers? Do intelligent machines lead by mathematical precision to human obsolescence?


From drones to medical equipment, robots are increasingly becoming a part of our everyday life. But although some 1.7 million robots already exist worldwide, their use is still not properly regulated.

Adrià Morrón Salmerón Department of Macroeconomics, Strategic Planning and Studies Area of CaixaBank

If you are one of those who think that a robot can hardly replace you in your work, perhaps this article will demonstrate to you that you are wrong. Technological improvements are occurring that will allow the robotization of non-repetitive tasks that until now were the exclusive domain of people.

Gloria Álvarez Hernández Telecommunication Engineer

In August 2016, the American consulting firm Gartner in its annual model of the Emerging Technologies Over-expectation Cycle grouped a set of technologies in the age of intelligent machines.

Pedro Castilla Weeber President of the Association of Robotics and Home Automation of Spain ARDE

On the subject of robots and work, we could speak of that fourth revolution that the reader will surely have read about. You will have seen that report from Davos at the World Economic Forum (a couple of years ago) that tells us that, in only 5 years, 7 million jobs will be lost and only 2 million new jobs will be created.

Ramón Górriz Secretary of CCOO Trade Union Action

It does not seem likely. Since the crisis of 2008 to 2014, according to ILO data 212 million net jobs have been created in the world. Each year, around 40 million jobs are created around the globe. There are 823 million more workers than twenty years ago.

Julien Cadot Journalist and Editor of Business Numerama

A graduate of Harvard in engineering and economics, Andrew McAfee is currently directing the prestigious MIT Digital Economy Initiative. their research has led him to reflect on the transformations of companies as a result of digitization and new technologies.

Pablo Rodríguez Canfranc Economist

Generally, in the past every technological revolution in the medium term has ended creating more jobs than it destroyed. However, such is the socio-economic transformations brought about by robotics and artificial intelligence, that it raises doubts about whether this maxim will be fulfilled now.

Roberto Derecho Journalist

The three laws of robotics are a set of rules described by American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov aimed at delimiting the basic behaviour of robots in their interactions with humans and other robots. 

Sergio Alejandro Moriello Electronics Engineer

At least six research fields today give structure to advanced robotics: the one that relates the robot to its environment, behavioural, cognitive, epigenetic or developmental, evolutionary and biorobotic.


Fear of the disappearance of work because of technological progress is a recurring theme. Recently Louis Anslow published a post that reviews all the occasions in which it has been announced that the machines would do away with human work.


What legal rights should a robot have? The European Parliament wants to address these issues so robotics continues to flourish in 2017.

Javier Castro Journalist

"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Is the title of a science-fiction tale, (genre cyberpunk), authored by Philip K. Dick, and adapted by Ridley Scott in the Movie Blade Runner. 

Peru Erroteta Journalist

Benoît Hamon was the winner of the second round of the Socialist Party's primary election in France, with 58.72% of the votes cast, compared to former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who won 41.28% of votes.

Antonio López Peláez Professor, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Law, National Distance Education University (UNED), Madrid, Spain

The countries with the largest stock of active industrial robots are also the most industrialized: China, Japan, USA, Germany and South Korea.

Raúl Suárez Feijoo Director of Research at UPC

Robots are increasingly popular, the term robot appears every time in more places and applications, and is also used to refer to increasingly diverse devices and concepts, and society has different reactions to it.


The rapid evolution of robotics requires setting common standards throughout the EU to impose, for example, ethical standards and to determine liability in case of accidents with driverless cars, the Parliament pointed out in a resolution adopted a few days ago.

Will Oremus Senior technology writer, Slate

Innovation is supposed to be the remedy for economic quagmire. What if, on the contrary, it was in fact the cause? More concretely, is it possible that the increasing automation that affects all sectors, from factories to retail to journalism, was actually destroying more jobs than it creates?



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